10 weeks. That takes up all my fingers, I will have to start using my toes next week, and after that I will need to get creative.
So once again, I am sorry that I have neglected the writing…. I have been very busy with it being school vacations and all.
This vacation was really awesome. It started at noon on Saturday the 24th , and I go back tomorrow, Thursday the 5th. I went to the big fair here, it comes once a year and is the second biggest in France, its called Foire St. Romain, and it is epic. Some other friends from Rotary that live in nearby towns’ came into Rouen and we all went together. It was amazing.
Then on Friday all the kids in our district went to Parc Asterix for the day. We rode the 8 looper roller coaster, over water. It was the most scary and exhilarating thing I have ever done. We went on it twice, but I could have gone on it forever. We also went into a haunted house, but we went into the kiddy one by accident, and spent about an hour having ‘zombies’ walk around us. The real haunted house was so scary that you had to be 16 to go in, so we were a little disappointed about that. But all in all the rides were fantastic, and it was great to see everyone again.
The next day was my host mom’s dad’s 98th birthday party, needless to say, it was a grand fete. There were about 15 relatives that came from all over France. We all went out for dinner at a nice restaurant, and after everyone slept over at chez nous (our house). We had a lunch party the next day that lasted until 5. Then people started to pack up and leave. I slept very well that night.
For the rest of the days I have just been with my family and with friends. It has been a perfect holiday. I am ready to go back to school tomorrow, can’t wait to see everyone again.
Here are some pics from Parc Asterix!