Soooo where were we? Mont Saint Michel? Oui, je pense.
We left chez moi at 8 and got there at about 11:45 ('we' consists of Me, Carmelle the australian girl, Carmelle's host brother, and a Rotarian)
Us students got to sleep in bungalows, which was pretty sweet :) I was in one with Carmelle. we had tons of fun. There was about 150 exchange students, from all corners of the world. Carmelle has been in France april, because she is Australian (they come in the spring), and so she has already gone on the bus trip and met a lot of the people, and she introduced me to everyone. We all hung out for a while then took a picnic lunch to eat while we walked in the sand.
Turns out the walk in the sand was for 4 hours.....thats a really long time to walk barefoot in cold wet sinking sand..... There was the occasional knee deep river that needed crossing. It was a rather cold, windy, wet, long walk... but in retrospect it was fun. It was great to talk to everyone.
When we got back to our bungalows we had (long) hot showers to try and defrost ourselves a bit. Then we had dinner, a large buffet. And after all the kids from each country got up in groups (or by themselves if there was no one else) and sang their national anthems. It was really neat.
Once that was over the lights went off and the music went on, and we danced until the wee hours of the morning. The music was from all different countries. It was awesome.
The next morning we were all tired with very sore feet. But after a long breakfast (involving as much caffine as my body can safely hold) we were off again to Mont Saint Michel. This time it was free time on the island. We could go anywhere, do anything, just be back by noon. So a group of kids from our district ( we call ourselves The Camembert Crew, because we are really cool) went through the back door to the cathedral. It was slightly 'interdite' I think, but it was beautiful.
The streets of Mont St. Michel are so narrow and old looking, i love it. And the secret little stair cases, and tiny ally ways. I loved it. Most of the stores though (all of them other than restaurants) were over priced tourist shops though. But we had a great time.
We all met up again for a goodbye lunch, then the buses started to head off. We were the last to go (our district didn't get a bus, we had to find our own rides). It was me, Carmelle, and her host brother again. Her ho

Since then I

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