Wednesday, March 17, 2010

im back* :)

Hey, so yes, I know its been a while.... sorry 'bout that.

So i figure that I am going to Write separate posts for each event... instead of one big long one.

Lets start with Moncrabeau.


We left my house at about 8am, and got there at about 4pm. Long drive. It is a town of about 500 people, and was settled in the Middle Ages. It was the mostly destroyed some 300/400 years ago in a religious war, and reconstructed. Beautiful little town, or village I guess is the word.

We went on some day trips to Nerac and Condom. Yes, there is a town named Condom, and out of all of the places for my camera to die, it had to be Condom. We also went and visited a castle from the Middle Ages. The weather was amazing, and it was a shock to come back to Normandie...(in fact it snowed the night we got back..)

The grandmother was a sweet little woman who kept feeding me. Any food I liked she would pack up and tell me to bring it back with me. I left with 2 jars of jam, a cool fruit pat thing, 2 bottles of juice, and some bread. Like I said, a sweety.

The car ride back was really fun with my little host brother (he was already in Moncrabeau for a week when we arrived, we were going there to pick him up). We played X&O. pictionary, dressup, and pretty much any other game you could think of in the back of the car.

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