Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Random Ponderings of a Sick Girl in France

Me, myself and I took a road trip together.

I spend a lot of time with myself. Not necessarily alone, in fact I am often surrounded by many people. And I realized that I have been living with myself for 16 and a half years, and I never really met myself before.

When you are surrounded by a new language you spend a lot of time thinking, dreaming, and talking with yourself. I have learned a lot about myself that I didn’t know previously. Before this exchange I always ‘was’ because I always ‘had been’ but now, I have time to question every thing, every thought, every instinct. Now I ‘am’ because I choose to be.

I know myself through and through now. I know my weaknesses, and my strengths, I know my dreams, and my fears, I know my mind, I know my heart. I have learned what is important to me, what makes me tick. I had originally thought that I would never be able to be ‘myself’ here, with the new culture, new language, new people, in a new city. But I have learned that it is not the surroundings that make you who you are, its You. I am more myself here than i have ever been, thousands of miles away from anything I have ever known. And somehow that is the most freeing feeling I have ever experienced.

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