Friday, October 2, 2009

mind of a toddler...

So learning a new language is kinda like being 3 years old again.

I will learn a new word and then every time I see something that applies to that word I want to point and yell. (thankfully I have learned to repress this). On the metro I have memorized the order of the stops, and I sometimes find myself speaking along with the nice computer voice “Prochaine station, Hotel de Ville de Sotteville.” “Destination Technopole, Saint-Etienne de Rouvrey”. Ya, I get some funny looks.
If I am walking down the street and I over hear a conversation with one of my “new words” I always want to turn around and tell them “Je connais ce mot!!! Je connais ce mot!!!” thankfully I refrain from that one too.

The small things in life are what matter now. The simple basics of human nature. None of all the complicated stuff we have to deal with when we grow up. Understanding is way over rated.

But, like a 3 year old I am going through that annoying stage. The “why” stage (only for me it is “pourquoi?”).

*this is a recent conversation with the guy who hands out ice cream at the school cafeteria *

“Non, tu ne peux pas prendre un pomme et un crème glacée”
“Parce-que tu ne peux pas prendre deux desserts.”
“Mais un pomme n’est pas un dessert, c’est un fruit, si je prend un glace, je pense que j’ai BESSOIN de prendre un pomme.”
“Non, tu ne peux pas prendre un pomme et un crème glacée.”

- No, you can’t take an apple and an ice cream.
- Why?
- Because you can’t take two desserts.
- But, an apple isn’t a dessert, it’s a fruit, and if I take an ice cream I think I NEED to take a fruit.
- No, you can’t take an apple and an ice cream.
- *darn*

So, apart from being a toddler again, I have noticed some things that I miss and that I will miss.

Things I Currently Miss in Canada:

- full fridges (with snack foods)
- snacks
- cold pizza (…..actually pizza for that matter)
- perogies
- baths
- lockers at school (unheard of here)

Things That I Will Miss in France:

-THE BAKERIES! (and all they sell)
- the fresh bread every morning
- the chocolate (and the HOT CHOCOLATE)
- the cobble stone streets
- the metro, and ability to get around without a car
- the crazy drivers

There is just so much here that I love. And it has only been 5 weeks. I have a feeling that someone will have to drag me onto the airplane when it is time to leave……

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